Alignment Process
Climate Change and Health
The effects that changing climate patterns are having on human health and well-being
City of Boston, MA,
Census tract 25025080601
Census tract 25025080601 faces a significant risk of flooding, given that over 80% of the area is covered by very high impervious surfaces (source: USGS Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium, NLCD Impervious Surface 2019 CONUS.
Suffolk County experiences a coastal flooding rate of 88.3 (source: 2021 FEMA National Risk Index).
The riverine flooding rate for Suffolk County is reported to be 95.9 (source: 2021 FEMA National Risk Index).
Census tract 25025080601 is currently facing an extremely high risk of heat with a risk index of 66.8. Notably, Suffolk County has an even higher risk index at 96.1 (source: 2021 Climate Ready Boston, FEMA National Risk Index).
The census tract's average tree canopy stands at 21.10%, indicating an insufficient amount to provide substantial shade (source: 2022 EPA EnviroAtlas).
The PM2.5 exposure, particularly for the population near major roadways with little to no tree buffer, is moderately high in the census tract (source: 2022 EPA EnviroAtlas).