Alignment Process

Social Determinants of Health
The social, economic, and environmental factors that influence an individual’s health outcomes and well-being.

Bronx, NY, Census tract 36005007100
The census tract 36005007100 has a really high social vulnerability score of 0.97, and Bronx County is even higher at 0.99 (source: U.S. CDC, 2020 Social Vulnerability Index.

The neighborhood has a very high percentage of African American residents at 46.9%, which is 10% more than in Bronx County and twice as much as in New York City (source: 2021 U.S. Census American Community Survey.
The Asian community in this census tract is quite small at 2.7%, especially when compared to New York City's average of 14.2% (source: 2021 U.S. Census American Community Survey.
The Hispanic/Latinx population in this neighborhood is very high at 64.6%, about 3.5 times the US average of 18.4% (source: 2021 U.S. Census American Community Survey.
This census tract 36005007100 has a very low median household income in the year of 2021, at $43,079, compared with $70,663 in NYC, which is only about 61% of it (source: 2021 U.S. Census American Community Survey.
In the year of 2021, there was a very high percentage of individuals living below the poverty level in the area, at about 20.1%, and even higher in Bronx County, at 26.5% (source: 2021 U.S. Census American Community Survey.
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